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Improve your “pandas” skills with “Pandas Workout”

August 4, 2021 . By Reuven

As you might know, I’ve been working lately on my new book, Pandas Workout, with 50 exercises to improve your fluency using the “pandas” library for data analysis.

Well, I have exciting news: The book is now available as a MEAP, aka the “Manning Early Access Program.” This means that if you buy the book now, you’ll have access to the chapters as they’re written.

The text needs further editing, as well as technical reviews, graphics, diagrams, indexing, and the like. So it’s not done. But it’s definitely in good enough shape to start improving your “pandas” chops, allowing you to understand how the library works and how to use it better.

Also: The “50 exercises” description is a bit incorrect: Every exercise has three “Beyond the exercise” problems, taking the existing question to the next level or asking you to perform a related task. So when I say “50 exercises,” I really mean, “200 exercises.” But hey, what’s a factor of 4 among friends?

Even better: I’ve created Jupyter notebooks for all of the exercise solutions, including the “beyond” exercises — so you can download and experiment with those on your own computer.

But wait, there’s more!

To celebrate the release of this MEAP, Manning has provided a 50% discount. Just use the coupon code “mllerner250” at checkout.

You can get a copy of Pandas Workout at https://PandasWorkout.com/.

And hey, while you’re at it — you can also check out Python Workout, at https://PythonWorkout.com/.

Questions? Just e-mail me at reuven@lerner.co.il, or hit me up on Twitter as @reuvemmlerner.

And now? It’s time to get back to writing…

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