It’s August! For many of us, that means it’s time for hot weather and perhaps even a vacation. But if you’re a Python/Pandas nerd like me, it’s is the perfect time to level up your programming skills. And in the coming weeks, I’ll be offering 13 (!) live, online courses ...
For years, students and clients have asked me for a membership program that includes all of my products. And for years, I’ve said, “No.”Why not? Because I didn’t just want to offer access to my courses. I wanted to make something more than that — with a constant array of ...
I’m a full-time instructor in Python and Pandas, teaching in-person courses at companies around the world (e.g., Apple and Cisco) and with a growing host of online products, including video courses and a paid newsletter with weekly Pandas exercises. Like many online entrepreneurs, I’ve experimented with a host of different ...
Data is the future. Heck, you could make a compelling argument that it’s the present. If you know how to work with data, then your career is virtually assured. You’ll have your pick of cool jobs, interesting projects, good employers, and smart colleagues. Even better? The most popular language for ...
Everyone’s talking about ChatGPT. If you haven’t used it yourself, then you’ve probably seen lots of screenshots on social media. Or maybe you’ve had a friend or family member (like me) talk about it nonstop. I’ve indeed spent a lot of time playing with ChatGPT. I’ve gotten it to do ...
Python has never been hotter. It’s a skill that everyone can use to improve their career — to improve your current job, or to get a great new job. So it’s a good idea to learn Python. Or if you already know it, it’s a good idea to improve your ...