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  • Improve your Python skills in 15 weeks — with Weekly Python Exercise!

Improve your Python skills in 15 weeks — with Weekly Python Exercise!

October 18, 2020 . By Reuven

If you’ve been using Python for a year or so, then you’re no longer confused or surprised by the language’s basics — the core data structures, functions, and even basic object-oriented programming. But you probably don’t quite feel fluent with Python, and aren’t sure how to use some of the language’s more advanced features. It would sure be nice to understand these things better, not just by reading a blog, but via actual, hands-on practice.

If that describes you, then you should check out Weekly Python Exercise, the course that helps you to level up your Python skills. A new advanced-level cohort (B3) starts on Tuesday, October 27th, and works as follows:

  • Every Tuesday, you get a new question, along with “pytest” tests
  • On the following Monday, you get a detailed solution
  • You can ask questions and compare notes with other students in our private forum
  • I offer monthly office hours, answering your Python questions

(If you’re a Python beginner, then a new A-level cohort be starting in January. You can learn more at https://WeeklyPythonExercise.com/.)

Want to know more, or see some sample exercises? Go to https://store.lerner.co.il/wpe-b3.

Questions? Ask away! I’m on Twitter as @reuvenmlerner, or you can e-mail me at reuven@lerner.co.il.

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