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  • Reminder: My free, weekly “Python for non-programmers” course continues on Friday, May 1st

Reminder: My free, weekly “Python for non-programmers” course continues on Friday, May 1st

April 30, 2020 . By Reuven

This is a reminder that my free, weekly “Python for non-programmers” course will continue tomorrow (Friday), May 1st, at 10 a.m. Eastern.

In this session, our 7th, we’ll talk abut lists! (This is more exciting than it might sound at first.)

The course is 100% free of charge and without obligation. All sessions are recorded and available to anyone who has enrolled — so it’s not too late to sign up and learn Python!

And if you cannot make the live sessions, you can always watch the recorded ones, and participate in our private forum.

More than 1,700 people have already joined. They’re learning to program — and so can you. Join us! Just register at PythonForNonProgrammers.com.

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