If you’ve been using Python for a while, and want to up your game, then I’ve got great news for you: I have released three new advanced Python courses, all available immediately from my online store:
Advanced Python data structures
This 5-hour course assumes that you’re familiar and comfortable with strings, lists, tuples, and dicts, and takes you to the next level. First, we review the built-in data structures, going deeper into understanding how they work, their relative efficiencies, and some more advanced techniques for working with them. Then we look at combinations of these data structures, and the trade-offs associated with such multi-level collections. Finally, we look at some the interesting data structures provided in Python’s standard library. Available at https://store.lerner.co.il/advanced-python-data-structures
Advanced Python functions
This 3.5-hour course assumes that you are familiar and comfortable with the basic writing and usage of functions, and want to go deeper. First, we talk about function objects and byte codes, and how Python creates them. Then we talk about Python’s various scopes, including nested functions — and some of the ways in which they can be useful. Finally, we talk about such topics as stack frames and type annotations. Available at https://store.lerner.co.il/advanced-python-functions
Advanced Python objects
Finally, this 7-hour course discusses Python objects in great depth. First, I introduce a number of the “magic” methods that you can implement on your objects. Then we discuss such topics as context managers, multiple inheritance, properties, descriptors, and even metaclasses. If you’ve always wanted to learn about how Python objects work, and how you can use them to your advantage, this course is for you. Available at https://store.lerner.co.il/advanced-python-objects .
Python for non-programmers
is my 100% free, live, weekly course. Every Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern, I introduce you to the world of programming using Python. Anyone who signs up (for free) gets invited to the weekly Zoom session, as well as access to all of the videos (as they’re recorded) and Jupyter notebooks I use when teaching. If you’re new to programming, then I invite you to join me — and if you have friends, family, or colleagues who might be interested, please tell them! SIgnup is at https://PythonForNonProgrammers.com/ .
Affected by the coronavirus?
I’ve long tried to make my courses as affordable as possible, giving discounts to students, seniors/pensioners/retirees, and people who live outside of the world’s 30 richest countries.
Today, I’m announcing a new discount code, for people whose job and/or finances have been disrupted by the coronavirus, covid-19, and the many types of pain that it is generating. If you have been affected adversely by this crisis, and are interested in purchasing my courses, please e-mail me, at reuven@lerner.co.il. (You should also contact me if you’re eligible for any of the other discounts.) I’ll reply with an appropriate coupon code.
Just contact me via e-mail (reuven@lerner.co.il) or as @reuvenmlerner on Twitter!