Today (Sunday, July 14th) is my birthday. And as happens every year, I’m celebrating with huge discounts on all of my online courses and books. I’m now 49, so you can get 49% off of anything in my online store. But as with birthdays, this massive sale won’t last long — it ends Monday evening.
Just use the coupon code BD2019 at my online store (, for 49% off of the following:
- NumPy
- Pandas
- Intro Python: Fundamentals
- Understanding and mastering Git
- Comprehending Comprehensions
- Object-oriented Python
- Practice Makes Regexp: Complete package
- Practice Makes Regexp: Just the book
- Understanding Git, starter edition
This is the biggest discount I’ve ever given on these courses… so enjoy the discount, celebrate my birthday with me, and improve your understanding of Python, data science, and Git while you can.
Questions? Just e-mail me at