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Weekly Python Exercise A2 (functions + modules for beginners) closes today

May 10, 2019 . By Reuven

If you are a relative beginner to Python, and want to improve your understanding of functions and modules, then there’s no better way to do so than practice.

Weekly Python Exercise provides you with that practice, with a family of six 15-week courses. In each course, you get a question on Tuesday, the answer on Monday, discussion among your cohort in our private forum, and live, monthly office hours.

And today’s the last day to sign up for the latest cohort for beginners, with an emphasis on functions and modules.

  • Do you have to check on Stack Overflow every time you write a Python function? Then this cohort of WPE is for you.
  • Do you want to have a better understanding of how scoping — local vs. global vs. builtins — works in Python? Then this cohort of WPE is for you.
  • Are you confused between *args and **kwargs, and want to know how and when to use them, without using Google? Then this cohort of WPE is for you.
  • And the Python standard library, which comes with the language — how familiar are you with the most common modules that come with the language? If you want to better understand how to use them, then this cohort of WPE is for you.
  • Finally, if you’ve wanted to write modules and use them in your code, so that you can reuse functionality across programs, then this cohort of WPE is for you.

Hundreds of previous participants in Weekly Python Exercise have improved their Python fluency, and gotten better at their jobs as a result. If you also want to improve your Python skills, then WPE is a great way to do it.

Want to learn more, or to sign up? Check out Weekly Python Exercise at https://WeeklyPythonExercise.com/ . And if you have questions? Just e-mail me, at reuven@lerner.co.il.

But don’t delay, because today (Friday) is the last day to join! I’ll be running more cohorts of WPE this year, but this particular one (A2) won’t run again until 2020.

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