Do you offer technical training? Or are you just interested in becoming a trainer?
I’ve been doing technical training for several years now, and it has become the main thing that I do. I love it, and encourage everyone to look into it as a potential career (or part of a career).
I’ve created an online Facebook group for trainers. I’m doing coaching for trainers. And most recently, I started “Trainer Weekly,” a free newsletter for people offering training. Every Monday, you’ll get a new piece of advice about th business, pedagogy, or logistics of training. How do you price things? How do companies think about training? What sorts of courses can and should you offer? What kinds of exercises should you give in class?
If this sounds interesting to you, then sign up for Trainer Weekly, and expect to get a new message from me every Monday. If you have specific questions about training, then just drop me a line; I’ve already addressed a few topics that were requested by readers, and hope to address many more.